Tuesday, September 21, 2010

doubleTwist upgraded to include internet radio

doubleTwist upgraded to include internet radio: "

There’s a new version of doubleTwist out, and it has some pretty cool new features. On top of being able to handle all the media and podcasts on your Android device, the app now handles internet radio. Simply tap the radio tab on the home screen of the app, and you can view and choose from a list of all kinds of genres and sub-genres. There are also options for “top rated” and “recently played”.

While there may not be a way to search for a station yet, we can rest assured that, with an app this cool, we’ll see the option in an upcoming release.

Other new features of the app include playlist management support, as well as an “add to play queue” option. Remember, as great as the app is by itself, the features and usefulness really come alive when you use it in conjunction with the desktop application, which syncs all your media between your computer and device.

To check it out for yourself, be sure to head to our application section to download and rate the app.

doubleTwist upgraded to include internet radio


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