Thursday, August 19, 2010

Verizon’s Amped Up Android Lineup

Verizon’s Amped Up Android Lineup: "

Verizon has a loaded lineup of Android devices coming out soon, and a trusted source from Phonearena has the scoop on what’s coming out in the next few months. When will the Samsung Fascinate finally be released? What about the Droid Pro, or the upcoming Motorola tablet? The tipster gives us a general timeline for the release date of these devices, as well as some other phones we haven’t heard of yet. Of course, until anything official comes out we have to assume that everything the source said could change (or be completely false). That aside, the rest of the year for Verizon is looking like an early Christmas for Android lovers, starting next month:

September will see the release of the World Edition of the Droid 2. Not only is this the first Android device to be released worldwide (hence the name), it will also be the first Droid phone available in either black or white. Anyone that has wanted a Droid phone but hated black is probably rejoicing right now. A youth-oriented Android device will also be released around the same time from Motorola. There isn’t anything known about the device, other than it’s name (Citrus) and that it will be targeted more for it’s price tag than it’s features.

October will finally see the release of the much awaited Samsung Fascinate, Verizon’s version of the Samsung Galaxy S. Hopefully this rumor is not true and the device comes out sooner, since every other carrier will have already released their version of the phone at least a month before-hand. The Droid Pro will also be released at this time for any Android users looking for a large screen with a slide out QWERTY keyboard. The source also names off a phone that we haven’t heard of yet, the Motorola XT610. According to the source, this phone will be similar in size to the Droid X but with less powerful specs (3.2 or 5 MP camera and slower processor). This will probably be a more affordable choice (priced from $100 – $130) than the Droid X, but the slower processor does make me think the phone will have some lag.

November is the last month that the tipster gave any information and that may be because it is the most Android loaded. First up there is the enTourage eDGe, which will be a dual-screen e-reader + tablet Android device. Then there are the much talked about Motorola and Samsung tablets. We knew that Motorola was bringing their tablet to Verizon, but we hadn’t heard anything about Samsung’s Galaxy Tab being released on Verizon’s network. I wonder if it will be exclusive or made for all carriers? Lastly there is also mention of an Android smartphone that nobody has heard about yet, the HTC Merge. Why should everyone care about this phone? Not only will it sport a 10 MP camera, but it will be one of the first phones released to have a faster than 1GHz processor. If this is true, it will jump straight to the top of Verizon’s exponentially growing Android lineup.

Wow. If that doesn’t make your brain explode then you truly aren’t an Android fan. Which news makes you most excited? Are any of these probably going to be your next, or first, Android phone? Let us know in the comments below!

Verizon’s Amped Up Android Lineup


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